Auckland Libraries has just celebrated the publication of its first te reo Māori children’s book: Māma, e hiakai ana mātou - Mum, we’re hungry. The book has also been translated into Samoan: Tinā, ua mātou fia'a'ai! Mum, we’re hungry is a universal story that has been written with aroha and alofa. Everyone will relate to its warmth and wit. Alison is joined in the studio by two wonderful wāhine: Teri Ta’ala (author) and Veronica Ligaliga (translator) to talk through the process of writing and launching this book.
Mike delves into his extensive back catalogue of musical treasure to bring you a selection of soul music, with everything from the hits and the b-sides to the forgotten gems.
We're pretty good at talking about physical health, but how good are we at talking about mental health? Drawing on both lived experience and professional expertise, Desified unpacks mental health from a South Asian perspective.
Intro music credit: Vinyl Couch by Studio J
This half hour series features interviews and discussions on matters of interest to women in general and migrant women in particular. Women working in the community talk to women with shared experiences, to people who can help, to female achievers. Heartfelt and empowering discussions about crucial topics in women's lives networking women’s issues, women’s arts and talents.