Internet Services

Make audio.  Build a podcast library. Listen to a whole world of citizen-made media. Planetaudio offers a range of services for those who want to make their own media and put it out into the world.  Planetaudio offers listeners a wealth of community-made information and entertainment on-demand

Radio – the multi-taskers medium.  We’re mobile and with you whatever you’re up to. Streaming live or replaying your favourites - all on-demand audio content is downloadable so you can listen again whenever you want.  All audio is subject to Creative Commons Licence.


Five minutes after it is broadcast, your chosen programme is available on-demand. Never miss another show again. You can ask for reminders via RSS feeds.  Programmes are on-demand for up to five episodes. Some programmes have extensive, informative archives. There are hundreds of topics across a range of interests. Search by language, programme name, topic.

Kiwi Way

When you’re a settler there is a lot to learn about how things are done in New Zealand.
Click on Kiwi Way and listen to essential information in your own language on managing daily life in Aotearoa/NZ. No translation or reading needed. Accessing services becomes easy through these guides in your own language.

Service providers - Add an audio component to your site with simple links to spoken information in any language. Your information, in the languages of choice, will also be part of the Kiwi Way library that new New Zealanders can search, hear, download and share.


Why throw money at a home studio when you can make your podcasts with Planet FM and Planetaudio. Learn how to record a quality production and earn favourites for your podcasts.

Maybe your club is having a guest speaker and you want affiliates around the country or the world to hear the talk … you can record it and file it here. Perhaps you want to make a series and not be tied to a weekly live schedule. Share it with the world through community-access media. Contact us with your Podcast idea on or complete a Programme Application.

Make the Link

Community Notices

Enter your community notice here. Look for it to appear on our Home page and our Connections page. This is a service for not-for-profit organisations only.

Personal Information

Advertise on Planetaudio

Tens of thousands of podcasts downloaded each month indicates the widespread and growing use of podcasts. Select by programme, language, interest or hits. Add to your audio campaign. Link to other campaign elements. Talk to us about connecting your product/service to targeted podcasts.

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