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We're pretty good at talking about physical health, but how good are we at talking about mental health? Drawing on both lived experience and professional expertise, Desified unpacks mental health from a South Asian perspective.

Intro music credit: Vinyl Couch by Studio J


  • Producer / Presenter: Anushree Kulkarni

    Anu grew up in India and Australia. Wanting to share her journey as both an immigrant in Aotearoa and an advocate for social justice, she embarked on ‘Desified’ to create a platform for fostering conversations and awareness around mental health – a topic she had already been advocating for online, including through social media. Anu studied Economics and has been working in Finance for six years.


Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Suffering from success

In this episode, Anu and Raza explore the definition of success in South Asian culture, and how to live a more purpose-driven life.


  • Producer / Presenter: Anushree Kulkarni

    Anu grew up in India and Australia. Wanting to share her journey as both an immigrant in Aotearoa and an advocate for social justice, she embarked on ‘Desified’ to create a platform for fostering conversations and awareness around mental health – a topic she had already been advocating for online, including through social media. Anu studied Economics and has been working in Finance for six years.

Previous podcasts

  • THURSDAY 21/03/2024

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