
Dalmatian Radio

Tuesday, 10 September, 2024

The Dalmatian Society keeps you up-to-date

Music and Dalmatian Society news for the old and new Dalmatian community in NZ. Favourite music and Society events.

  • Tuesday 3/09/2024
    Tuesday 27/08/2024
    Tuesday 20/08/2024

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Mantra Yoga

Feeling anxious, burnt out, or just need a moment to breathe? Affecting the aspects of brain functioning that influence self-awareness, empathy and stress management, Mantra Yoga can offer physical mental and spiritual benefits. Tune in for a guided meditation

Property Matters

Answering all your questions related to property investment, market trends and tenancy, Property Matters is a show for homeowners, renters and anyone looking for advice on their housing situation. Got a question for the show? Contact them on [email protected].

Brought to you by Barfoot and Thompson.

Women's Voices

This half hour series features interviews and discussions on matters of interest to women in general and migrant women in particular.  Women working in the community talk to women with shared experiences, to people who can help, to female achievers. Heartfelt and empowering discussions about crucial topics in women's lives networking women’s issues, women’s arts and talents.

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