Hear church news, community activities, singing and music. Learn about life, social and support services locally and across Aotearoa
Feeling anxious, burnt out, or just need a moment to breathe? Affecting the aspects of brain functioning that influence self-awareness, empathy and stress management, Mantra Yoga can offer physical mental and spiritual benefits. Tune in for a guided meditation
We're pretty good at talking about physical health, but how good are we at talking about mental health? Drawing on both lived experience and professional expertise, Desified unpacks mental health from a South Asian perspective.
Intro music credit: Vinyl Couch by Studio J
Are you green-fingered or all thumbs when it comes to gardening? Garden Planet tackles everything from seasonal gardening and garden maintenance, to problem-solving, troubleshooting, and what to plant and when. Tune in for garden goss, community notices and interviews with experts and enthusiasts on all things green or growing. Email [email protected] with your questions.