Planet FM represents Auckland's diverse communities. If your language or interest isn't reflected in our programming, maybe you should be making a show! Apply at
A little longer
Masani is extending its live programme on Thursday nights. Tune in live 8.45-10.15pm from this week
Malayalam on-air
Malayalam FM presents three weekly episodes featuring dramas, cultural discussions, guest interviews and music. Hear the a new episode every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Tongan Youth Trust presents...
Le'o e Peau features youth-led conversations presented by the Tongan Youth Trust. Join the two-hour talanoa at the new time of 12.30pm Mondays
Suzy on Sundays
Keeping yet another generation of Kiwi kids entertained, Suzy Cato presents her quintessential kids' show Suzy & Friends on Planet FM 104.6FM every Sunday from 3.15pm.
Technology, Entertainment, Design
Tune in on 104.6FM at 2.10pm on Wednesdays for inspiring speakers covering interesting topics on TED Talks.