
Women's Voices

Monday, 20 February, 2006

A migrant's story

Mehta Paul tells her migration story. She came alone, loved the cooler climate, the efficiencies of systems and the chances for achieving her goals. She took low wage jobs, but studied and found rewarding work once her language skills were adapted. Mehta tells Rezwan about the challenges and achievements.

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Intro music credit: Vinyl Couch by Studio J

Garden Planet

Are you green-fingered or all thumbs when it comes to gardening? Garden Planet tackles everything from seasonal gardening and garden maintenance, to problem-solving, troubleshooting, and what to plant and when. Tune in for garden goss, community notices and interviews with experts and enthusiasts on all things green or growing. Email [email protected] with your questions. 

Speak Easy FM

Bringing banter and banging beats to your Friday evening, the dedicated hosts of Speak Easy FM are young, fun and living with special needs. Join them for tunes, chit-chat, and what's got them talking this week.

Would you or someone you know like to be a part of the show? Get in touch! Contact Paul: [email protected] 

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