

Radio Akwaaba

Radio Akwaaba is a programme targeted to the Ghanaian Community and all those who are interested in Ghana or African culture. It brings news, current affairs and sports reporting from Ghana along with music and entertainment. Radio Akwaaba is the forum to discuss current issues and those that affect our community in New Zealand, in our language. Studio [64.9 815.8100]

Radio Buddhist

Tenzin Chosang discusses Buddhist thought and the various Buddhist mind training techniques designed to lead to a happy, satisfying life and eventual full enlightenment. He is happy to answer any questions relating to Buddhism sent to [email protected]

Radio Ektara

Produced by and for the Bangladeshi community in Auckland, Radio Ektara features current affairs, community notices, music and interviews to entertain and inform.

Radio Jazba

Join Nasir for interviews with Urdu speakers in and beyond Auckland, live talkback, and an uplifting selection of Pakistani music.   

Radio Khmer

Brought to you by Khmer Inc., Khmer community radio provides service to the Khmer people with Khmer news, news in NZ, community notices, orientation for Cambodian migrants to the Kiwi way, Buddhist Dharma teaching, Khmer cultural topics, guest interviews and talkback. Studio phone 815.8100

Radio Pekapeka

Music, global news and interviews with people from Niue and the Niuean community feature in this weekly hour. The hosts invite talkback, provide community notices, devotional items and songs [64.9.815 8100] 

Resett Radio

Resett Radio is a production of the Aotearoa Resettled Community Coalition whose vision is a settled, integrated and thriving former refugee community in Auckland. ARCC represents some 20 registered refugee/resettled community organisations from 15 different countries. The radio show aims to open discussion on the progress of former refugees in Aotearoa/NZ through interviews, debate, news and talkback. Each week Resett Radio welcomes guests, listens to their stories and music and explores current affairs as they relate to resettlement communities today.

Roger's Eclectic Journey

Playing a song from his collection of 45’s, LP’s and CD’s for every year since 1964, Roger Bowie takes you on an eclectic journey through 50 years of music. With every third show dedicated solely to Americana, Roger’s Eclectic Journey is a musical voyage. Tune in for tales of his own travels and the music that has taken him round the world.

Romanie Plai de Dor

This 60 minute show presents news from Romania and from the Romanian community living in Auckland. The show introduces local and touring personalities, arts and sports news and children’s segments, shares humour and favourite Romanian music and takes live calls from listeners.  [64] 09 815.8100

Rostirea Ortodoxa

Each week Rostirea Ortodoxa builds cultural bridges for Romanians in N.Z. under the auspices of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The programme celebrates Romanian national events, talks with local Romanian personalities and presents stories for children, music, poems, community and church news, religious services, secular and sacred music.

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