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Kiribati Language Week

Sunday 07/07/2024

Kiribati is the South Pacific's largest marine reserve, and home to around 116,300 people. Kiribati’s geography renders it extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and the saltwater inundation of fresh water supplies. There are a number of Kiwis who share connections with Kiribati and while there is not a wealth of resources for i-Kiribati speakers, the language is thriving thanks to grassroots efforts. In 2019, Finlayson Park Primary School in Manurewa established a Kiribati language unit.

The theme for Kiribati language week this year is ‘Eutakirakean ma kabwaekekean ara taetae ni Kiribati ma kateira ao rabakaura, bon maurin ao tokabetin te I-Kiribati / Thriving and flourishing our Kiribati language, culture, and knowledge to build I-Kiribati resilience and prosperity. 

The Kiribati Language Week Facebook page has the latest updates on what's happening this year, and here are some phrases you can practice if you are new to the Kiribati language but wanting to up your skills to celebrate this week…


Find information and resources about Kiribati Language Week at


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