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Smear your mea

Monday 21/09/2020

Talei Morrison became a champion of women’s health after being diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2017. Her advocacy for Māori women, with “smear your mea” as the cheeky tagline to the movement, drew light on what is a serious problem in Aotearoa. Talei passed away in 2018. September is gynaecological cancer awareness month and the responsibility is on all of us to carry on Talei's message about the importance of cervical screening. Since the national screening programme started, the number of women who die of cervical cancer has dropped by nearly two thirds. And if every woman you know got tested regularly, the number could drop even lower. Nobody looks forward to a smear, but it’s the best not-nice thing you can do and it could save your life.

You can find out more about Talei’s work and her legacy at and for advice on getting a cervical smear you can talk to your GP or check out The Freephone number for National Screening is 0800 729 729

Keep that teke meke!


Who should have smear tests?

If you:

- are a woman or trans or non-binary person with a cervix
- are aged between 20 and 70
- have ever had sex

...then you should have regular smear tests. This includes if you:

- are immunised against HPV
- are single
- only have sex with women
- have a disability
- have been through menopause
- are no longer having sex.

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